Man Seeking Woman
I am lean, probing, “a child of Cancer” -
Given to modest spirits; the sensorial
fragrance of distant shag. You are slight,
sassy, smart, sensuous. We will dance
beneath the innocences of a dark moon;
bathe in the essence of oleaceae; bond
endlessly adorned by the lustful drift of
sweet jasmine for all that remains.
Perhaps even together.
He was probing, “a child of Cancer”- Given to modest spirits; the sensorial fragrance of distant shag. She was slight, sassy, smart, sensuous. They danced beneath the innocences of a dark moon; bathed in the essence of oleaceae; endlessly adorned by the lustful drift of sweet jasmine for all that remained. Perhaps one day together.
Orpheus was probing, “a child of Cancer”- Given to modest spirits; the sensorial fragrance of distant shag. Eurydice was slight, sassy, smart, sensuous. They danced beneath the innocences of a dark moon; bathed in the essence of oleaceae. But, then for the serpent’s strike, to be endlessly adorned by the lustful drift of sweet jasmine for all that remained never to be together, again.